Wednesday, April 30, 2014

First ever gDayX in Iloilo

Last April 26, 2014 at Amigo Terrace Hotel, all business owners, professionals, entrepreneurs, innovators, students and freelancer's also those who work Information technology in IloiloCity who are interested and wants to learn how technology works for their businesses and profession gathered on this free event the Google Business Group: GDayXIloilo.

Speakers from the different Google communities and other relevant industries discuss various topics on technology, marketing and social media. 

Hopefully there will be more events like this. 

Thank's Google Business Group Iloilo for your hard work.
Also to the sponsors I hope you will not get tired sponsoring this very educational event.

Thanks Liez,Penny and GBGIloilo for the pictures.

 Sorry for this picture, I only have a point and shoot camera


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